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John Adams Family of Pymouth

In October of 1879, In volume 33, and on pages 410—413, of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, there was a very interesting and informative Article published about the Family of John Adams of Plymouth, Massachuessetts. He is one of the Ancestors of Nelson Stoyle Hollingshead, the Utah Pioneer.

Since vol. 33 is not readily available, the Article is given below.


JOHN¹ ADAMS arrived at Plymouth in the Fortune, Nov. 9, 1621. He died in 1633. His Widow Ellen, presented "an inventory of the goods and chattels of her late husband, John Adams, deceased, upon oath, Nov. 11, 1633, and whereas the said John died without a will, it was ordered that if in the case the said Ellen shall have an inclination to marry, she before her said marriage, estate the threee children of her former husband deceased, James, John and Susan, in £5 sterling apiece to be paid when they come to years of discretion according to the Statutes of England." [Plymouth Colonial Court Records, quoted by J. H. Hatch, Esq.] She is sometimes called Eleanor and Helen. She is supposed to have been Ellen Newton, to whom land was granted in 1623, among those who came in the Ann. [Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, vol. 1, p. 10; Baylie's New Plymouth, Pt. I, p. 260] In June 1634, she married Kenelm Winslow, of Marshfield, and died in that town. She was buried Dec. 5, 1681, "being 83 years old." [ Dr. Holton's Winslow Memorial, vol 1, p. 73, quoting record.]

Children of John Adams and Ellen Newton:
2. i. James Adams, married Frances, daughter of Mr. William Vassel, in Scituate, June 16, 1646.
3. ii. John Adams, married 1st, Jane James, 1654; married 2nd, Elizabeth — about 1663
iii. Susan Adams.

—2. JAMES² ADAMS (John¹), "resided on a farm on the Marshfield side of North River, nearly opposite Mr. Vassall's, the father of Mrs Adams. They worshipped with the second church in Scituate, and their children were carried there for baptism." [Memorials of Marshfield, by Marcia A. Thomas, pp. 36-37. Miss Thomas adds this quotation: "James Adams died at sea, on board the good ship James, 16 Jan. 1651; " but the year must be an error, perhaps, typographical, as he had a child born in March 1651. Savage(1, 10) gives the date "19 Jan 1653 "Qu. 1653-4?]

The Plymough ColonyRecords, under date of June 10, 1651, record that James Adams came before the goveror and acknowledged that he had received from Kenelm Winslow the £5 which was to be paid to him when he became of age, and "on the 26th of December 1651, it was ordered to bee entered upon the publicke record as payed and received." [Plymouth Colony Records (Boston, 1855), vol. ii. p.176]

James Adam's widow, Frances, had 150 acres of land laid out to her by the Massachusetts General Court, May 7, 1673, "About eight miles northward from Lancaster." [Massachusetts Colony Records (Boston, 1854), vol v. pp 524 and 539]

Children of James Adams and Frances Vassall:
i. William, born May 16, 1647; bapt. by Mr. Witherell, May 23, 1647.
ii. Anna, born April 18, 1649; bapt. May 20, 1649
iii. Richard, born April 19, 1651; bapt. April 27, 1651.
iv. Mary, born Jan 27, 1653; bapt. Feb 5, 1653.
v. Margaret, (no record of birth), bapt. March 18, 1654 [Letter of Charles E. Bailey, Esq. of South Scituate.]

—3. JOHN² ADAMS (John¹) settled first in Marshfield. "He dwelt near Mount Skirgo, an elevation of the Marshfield bounds of the forest which lies between this town and Pembroke."
[Miss Thomas's Memorials of Marshfield, p. 37] John was admitted a freeman of Plymouth Colony, June 1, 1658. He was a witness in a case of manslaughter, Jan 1654-5; a grand-juryman June, 1658; a member of a coroner's jury, July, 1658; and was appointed a constable of Marshfield, June 8, 1660. He subsequently removed to Flushing, Long Island, as is shown by a deed on record at Plymouth, Bk. iii. p. 127. The following is an abstact of an attested copy by William S. Danforth, register of deeds.

"Captain John Adams, of the towne of Flushinge, in Long Island in New England, America," sells Dec. 10, 1666, to "Nathaniel Warren of the Towne of Plymouth in the jurisdiction of Plymouth in New England, in America, " &c. "all that my share lot and portion of land att or neare a place commonly called and knowne by the name of Nama Nakett in the jurisdiction of Plymouth, aforesaid, which was granted unto mee the said JohnAdams as being one of the children of the old comers of the said Jurisdictin according to grant of the court for the jurisdiction of Plymouth aforesaid bearing date the third day of June An° Dom: one thousand six hundred and sixty and two [See list of grantees in Plymouth Colony Records (Boston, 1855), vol iv. p. 19.] being the twenty eighth part of the tract of land purchased by Captaine Thomas Southworth of the Indain Sachem named Josias Wampatuck in the behalf of said court." and also share of lands "purchased by Major winslow lying and being att Namassakeesett ponds." signed by John Adams and the mark of Elizabeth Adams, his wife.

After learning that John and Elizabeth Adams had removed to Flushing, I wrote to Henry Onderdonk Jr., Esq. , of Jamaica, L. I. , for any records he maght have of John Adams, of Flushing, and received in February ,1878, the following valuable memoranda, from his manuscript collections relative to Long Island history, which he has kindly permitted me to print: [recall that the Quakers did not use the pagan names of the months of the year, but used the number of the month, March being the first month. The order of dates is day, month, and year]

Children of John Adams and his first wife Joane:
Mary, born 3, 5, 1656.
Martha, born 4, 1, 1658.
Rebecca, born 13, 12 1661; married Henry Clifford, of Flushing, 29, 3, 1686.

Children of John Adams and his second wife Elizabeth:
John, born 17, 6 , 1664; died 4, 8, 1665.
Elizabeth, born 9, 1, 1665. [married 23, 1, 1692, William Hollingshead]
Sarah, born 28, 2, 1668.
James, born 4, 8, 1671.
Susanna, born 6, 9,1674.
Hannah, born 15, 12, 1675.
Deborah, born 7, 3, 1678.
John, born 10, 7, 1680; died 30, 10, 1688.
Abigail, born 2, 11, 1682.
Thomas, born 12, 11, 1684.
Marsey, born 13, 10, 1686.
Phebe, born 9, 12, 1690.

John and Elizabeth Adams were Friends or Quakers; and were both living in 1690; do not know where they died. In 1678 John gave a long narrative of his being a persecutor of Friends in New England when he was a constable; He was a sober young man, but full of vanity. He was a member of the Independent Congregational Church for many years; he had a wife and children there, but by God"s Providence he was brought to Flushing; having first taken from him his dear wife Joane. He went to sea at her decease for two years.

John Adams was converted to Quakerism by the preaching of John Burnyeat and John Stubbs, preachers in New England [which then included Long Island east of Oyster Bay.] John had meetings at his house. In 1667 he was a leading member of the Meeting at Flushing. In 1684 the meeting lent him some money to pay for a negro he had bought as a loborer on his farm. His name appears in Meeting records in 1667—1673. In 1691 he sold his farm at Bayside, Flushing, to John Rodman, of Block Island." [end of Onderdonk information]

In a subsequent letter Mr. Onderdonk says, in reply to the suggestion that Joane and Jane were identical names:
"Joane and Jane I think to be the same name. John and Elzabeth Adams exchanged their farm of 130 acres in Flushing, for house, 500 Acres of land and £190 cash, in West New Jersey, June 4, 1691. John's confession, in which he gives an account of his life, was made to the Meeting. He was charged with going over to the Ranters, a noisy faction of Friends. He retracts his error, and therein gives a long account of his opinions, and how God controlled his actions, &c. &c. It was a case of discipline, and of course not printed. I copied all of it that was not torn off years ago, because I thought it so interesting; and so with the births; and you are the first that has applied to me for that knowledge."

John² Adam's last child, Rebecca, by his first wife, Joane, was born Feb 13, 1661, probably 1661-62, and his first child, John, by his second wife, Elizabeth, was born Aug. 17, 1664. His wife Jane, or Joane, probably died soon after the birth of Rebecca, as he states in the document quoted by Mr. Onderdonk, that he went to sea for two years after the death of his first wife, before settling at Flushing.

NOTE —In compiling this article use has been made of extracts from records and other information furnished by Messrs. J. H. Haatch, of North Marsfield, and Charles E. Bailey, of South Scituate, whose manuscripts have been deposited by me in the library of the New England historic, Genalogical Society. The compiler also acknowledges her indebtedness to Mr. Onderdonk and to Miss Macia A. Thomas.

Cambridge, Mass. C. B. E. compiler.

This ends the Article from the New England Historical and Genalogical Register, 33: 410-413

Friday, June 13, 2008

John Adam Family of Mass., N.Y. & N.J.

The John Adams Family,
of Plymouth & Marshfield, Mass.; Flushing New York; & Chester Tp. Burlington Co. NJ
by Charles C. Gardner,
A Genealogical Dictionary of New Jersey in. GMNJ 11:55-60

501. John (1) Adams, born in England not far from 1600. He is the emigrant ancestor of the Adams family of Chester Township, Burlington County. He came to America in the "Fortune" in 1621, settled in Plymouth, Mass., and married Elenor Newton who came in the "Ann" in 1623. He died. in 1633; the inventory of his estate being appraised on Oct. 24. [NEHG Register, vol 4, jan 1850, p 24 reads as follows: John Adams Late of Plymouth. Inventory by John Winslow and John Jenny, Oct. 24, 1633. Amount, £71-14]
Their three children were mentioned in the probate proceedings. The widow Elenor Adams was married in June, 1634, to Kenelm Winslow. (Whittemore's Adams Family, (1893), P. 55; Davis's Landmarks of Plymouth, II :3; Mayflower Descendant 1:157).
Both Kenelme Winslow and his stepson, James Adams [age 16 or older] appear in a list of those able to bear arms in the colony of new plymout in 1643. They are listed consecutively under the town of Marshfield See NEHG Register Vol 4, July 1850, p. 259.

Children of John (1) Adams and Elenor Newton:
502. i. James, born 162– ; married 1646, Frances Vassall.
+503. ii. John (2), born 1625-33; married. (1st ) Jane James;
married (2nd) Elizabeth — ; died, 1702-4.
504. iii. Susanna.class=Section2>
503. John (2) Adams, son of John (1), was born in Plymouth, Mass., between 1625 and 1633; lived at Marshfield, Mass., Flushing, N.Y. and Chester Township. Burlington county, New Jersey. He died 1702-4. He married 1st at Marshfield, Dec. 27, 1654, Jane James, who died 1662-3. He married 2nd probably in 1663, Elizabeth — , who died after 1712. His identity is proved by two deeds dated Oct. 30, 1654 and Dec. 10, 1666, both recorded in Plymouth Colony Deed Books. The earlier document describes the grantor as John Adams of Marshfield, yeoman, and states that the grant is made with the consent of his father-in-law, Kenelme Winslow, and Mrs. Ellenor Winslow, his wife. The 1666 deed is from Captain John Adams of Flushing, to Nathaniel Warren of Plymouth, for his share of land on the Namasket River, in Plymouth Colony, which had been purchased from the Indians in 1662 by twenty-six men including John Adams. (Mayflower Descendant 2 :4,5,7,40 ; NEHGR 3 :334 ; Whittemore's Adams Family (1893) , p. 55) .
John Adams was a prominent member of the Society of Friends, both in New York and New Jersey. In 1667 and 1688 he was authorized to speak to fellow townsmen, once as to absence from Meetings and the other time concerning a marriage outside of the Quaker Church. (Onderdonk's Annals of Hempstead, p. 94). The Records of the Society of Friends show the births of three children by wife Joan or Jane and twelve by wife Elizabeth, as well as the deaths of two sons. (NYGBR 3 :187 ; 7 :39,40)
John Adams is named as one of the patentees in the renewal charter of Flushing, 1685. (Mandeville's Flushing, p. 15) . On June 4, 1691, John Rodman of Block Island conveyed to John Adams of Flushing, in exchange for land and houses there, 475 acres near Rancocus Creek, Burlington county, New Jersey, and 25 acres of meadow some distance from the house. (WJD B, Part 2:484). He moved to New Jersey shortly thereafter and joined the Newton Monthly Meeting by Certificate dated Aug. 29, 1691. (GMNJ 3:21)."John Adams — acceptable [p57] Minister". He was listed in 1761 by Elizabeth Estaugh, (for over fifty years clerk of the Womens Meeting of Newton and Haddonfield Friends) as one of the valuable Friends connected with the early activities of the Chester Meeting. (3 NJHSP 7:103).
On Jan. 27, 1693-4, John Adams of Burl. Co., yeoman, deeded to his son James one-half of the 500 acres bought of John Rodman as mentioned above. (WJD B, Part 2: 528). He was commissioned a justice of the Peace for Burlington county May 12, 1695, and this office he held for several years, the last renewal being dated May 12, 1701. (LS :536 to 579) . He served in the House of Representatives of West Jersey in 1697, when he signed an agreement of the Quaker members of that body to support the King. (NJA 2:148). The home of John Adams was in Chester Township presumably near Moorestown.
His will, Mar. 19, 1699 - 1700 — Feb. 5, 1703-4, named wife Elizabeth and children: Thomas, Mary, Martha, Hannah, Deborah, Abigail, Marcy, Rebecca and Feby; also, apprentice Benjamin Davis. The wife is named as exectrix. A codicil of Aug. (?) 24, 1701, disposes of 100 acres at Eggharbour. The inventory of the estate totals £316:4:2, a substantial sum, and includes two men slaves. (NJW Unrecorded 2:107). John Adams last appears as witness at the marriage of Henry Allen of Shrewsbury, Jan. 18, 1702-3. (SHGM I :252).

Children of John (2) Adams and Jane James
505. i. Mary, born July 3, 1656. [Mary Adams, ye daughter of John & Jane Adams of Flushing, was borne ye 3d of ye 5th mo.] [these birth records are from the Society of Friends record as copied by Isaac Horner NYG&BR 3: 187]

506. ii. Daughter. Buried Feb. 19, 1657-8.
507. iii. Martha, born Mar. 4, 1658-9. [Martha Adams, was borne ye 4th of ye 1st mo. 1658]
508. iv. Rebecca, born Feb. 13, 1661-2. [Rebeckah Adams was borne ye 13th of ye 12th Mo. 1661]

Children of John (2) Adams and Elizabeth — ;
509. v. John, born Aug. 17, 1664;. [John Adams ye sonn of John and Elisabeth Adams, was borne ye 17th of ye 6th mo. 1664]. John died Oct. 4, 1665; The entry reads “John Adams ye sonn of John and Elizabeth Adams of fflushing dyed ye 4th of ye 8th mo. 1665”
510. vi. Elizabeth, born March 9, 1665-6; [Elizabeth Adams was borne ye 9th of ye 1st mo. 1665] married, 1692, William Hollinshead.
511. vii. Sarah, born April 24, 1668. [Sarah Adams was borne ye 24th of ye 2nd mo. 1668]
+512. viii. James (3), born Oct. 4, 1671; [James Adams was borne ye 4th of ye 8th mo. 1671]
married 1695 Esther (4) Allen; James died 1721-2.
513. ix. Susanna, born Nov. 6, 1674; [Susanah Adams was borne ye 6th of ye 9th mo. 1674], married 1696 Edward Buzby of Dubin, Pa.
514. x. Hannah, born Feb. 15, 1675-6. [Hannah Adams was borne ye 15th of ye 12th mo. 1675]
515. xi. Deborah, born May 7, 1678; [Deborah Adams was borne ye 7th of ye 3d mo.]
md. 1701 Judah (4) Allen.
516. xii. John, born Sep. 10, 1680; [John Adams was borne ye 10th of ye 7th mo. 1680]
He died Dec. 30, 1688.
517. xiii. Abigail, born Jan. 2, 1682-3; [Abagill Adams was borne ye 2d of ye 11th mo. 1682]
married 1714, Henry Allen; died Aug. 12, 1759.
+518. xiv. Thomas (3), born Jan. 12 1684-5, [Thomas Adams was born ye 12th of ye 11th mo. 1684], Thomas died 1729-34.
519. xv. Mercy, born. Dec. 13, 1686; [Massey Adams was borne ye 13th of ye 10th mo. 1686; Perhaps unmarried as late as 1742.(SHGM 1:261; BuCt C:101).
[58] 520 xvi. Phebe, born Feb. 9, 1690; [Phebe Adams borne ye 9th of ye 12th mo. 1690]
married 1712 Abraham Brown Jr., (Burlington Friends' Records).

512. James (3) Adams, son of John (2), born Flushing, N.Y. Oct. 4, 1671; lived in Chester Township, Burlington Co., N.J.; died between March and May, 1722. He married, at Shrewsbury, Sep. 2, 1695, to Esther (4) Allen, daughter of Jedediah (3) Allen of Shrewsbury. (SHGM 1:247; NJA 23:9). She died in the latter part of 1722.
Having been deeded one-half of his father's land in 1693-4, James is not mentioned in the latter's will. In 1696 James Adams is Tax Collector and in 1704 Constable (WHBM:251,254). On April 9, 1700 he and wife Hester deeded to John Adams and eleven others, all of Chester Tp., one acre of land there on the King's Highway, part of the 475 acres formerly deeded by John Rodman to John (2) Adams. The deed was signed by James Adams and Ester (X her mark) Adames. (WJD GH :373) . This lot was used for church and burial ground. On Dec. 4, 1708 James Adams and Judah Allen, both of Burlington County, yeomen, deeded to James Steelman of Great Egg Harbour a 200 acre tract near that place, on Poteonk or Pothunk Creek. Thomas Adames was a witness to Allen's signature. (WJD IK :493). James Adams was commissioned justice of the Peace for Burlington coounty Dec. 23, 1715. (NJD AAA :168).
The will of James Adams of Chester Township, yeoman, March 24, 1721-2-May 22, 1722, named. wife Ester, ten children and kinswoman Vastie Allin. The inventory of his estate was dated May 7, 1722. The will of widow Esther Adams of Chester, July 7, 1722-Nov. 23, 1722, named the same ten children and brother Juda Allin. The plantation of Esther Adams was bought by Nathan Allen for £300. late in 1722. On Feb. 15, 1724-5 Hannah Adams was placed under the guardianship of Thomas Ford and John Adams was made the ward of Thomas Adams of Chester. Nov. 12, 1725 Margery Adams, under 14 years of age, was made the ward of her uncle Judah Allen of Evesham Township. An accounting by the executors of Esther Adams' estate, dated Jan. 9, 1725, mentioned payments for "searching for Joseph Adams, unfortunately drowned", "for tabling Jon Adams at school and ye Diet of Hanah Adams", and for schooling Margery Adams. (NJA 23:2-4).

[59] Children of James (3) Adams and Esther Adams:
+521, i. Jedediah (4), born July 4, 1696; married 1720 Margaret Christian; died 1731.
522. ii. John (4), born Apr. 1, 1698; died Apr. 7, 1698.
+523. iii. Thomas (4), born Feb. 12, 1698-9; md. 1720 Hannah Sharp.
524. iv. Elizabeth; married Thomas Moore. (DeCou's "Moorestown" 1929, p. 14).
525. v. Joseph. Probably drowned; unmarried.
+526. vi. John (4), b. abt. 170-.
527. vii. James (4).
528. viii. Esther.
529. ix. Hannah; perhaps md. 1730-1, John Buzby. (GMNJ 3:66).
530. x. Margery, born 171–; married 1731 Arthur Booradaile (Borrodaill) ; d. 1763.
(NJA 33:51 ; NJMB "1727-34": 142).
531. xi. Patience.

518. Thomas (3) Adams, s. of John (2), born Flushing, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1684-5 ; lived in Chester Township; died after 1719. Name of wife does not appear. In 1712 was Constable in Chester Township and in 1716 Overseer of Highways. (WHBM : 253-4).
Sept. 20,21, 1719, he conveyed to Samuel Atkinson for £310:9:2, by indentures of lease and release, his late dwelling place in Chester Tp., surveyed for 238 acres, being one-half of the 475 acre plantation formerly his father's, which half he had inherited subject to his mother's life interest, which she had made over to Thomas on Mar. 7, 1712-3. The conveyance to Atkinson also included a piece of meadow land in Evesham. (WJD HH :225) .
Samuel Atkinson and Thomas Adames appraised the inventory of the est. of Elias Toy, deceased, of Chester Township, Feb. 22, 1719-20. On Sep. 14,15, 1725, Thomas Adams of Philadelphia, Pa., yeoman, conveyed to Jedediah Adams of Chester Tp., 204 acres on Pensauken Creek. (WJD D :99). On Feb. 21, 1728-9, Thomas Adams of Philadelphia, inn-holder, deeded to his nephew Thomas (4) Adams, a plantation in Chester Tp., according to the recital in a deed of Dec. 30, 1734 given by the nephew, which refers to the uncle as deceased. (WJD S:312).

521. Jedediah (4) Adams, son of James (3), born Chester Township, July 4, 1696 ; lived in Chester and Evesham; died early 1730-I. Married 1720 (declaration of intention filed in April in Newton Monthly Meeting) to Margaret Christian [p60] (GMNJ 3 :63). On June 9 and 10, 1727, Jedediah Adams of Chester Township, cooper, conveyed to Philip Wallis of Evesham, 204 acres in the former township which he had bought of Thomas Adams Sep. 14 and 15, 1725. (WJD D :63,345).
On Mar. 31, 1731 administration on the estate of Jedediah Adams, miller, late of Evesham, was granted to Judah Allen of the same place, Margaret Adams, the widow, having declined to act. (NJA 30:11).
523. Thomas (4) Adams, son of James (3), born Chester Tp. Feb. 12, 1698-9 ; lived in Chester Township. and in Philadelphia; in Nov. I720 declared intention of marriage with Hannah Sharp before Newton Monthly Meeting. She was daughter of John Sharp of Evesham and was named in the latter's will dated May 17, 1725. (GMNJ 3:63; NJA 23:412). Nov. 12, 1723, "Thomas Adams Jun'r" of Chester Tp. conveyed to Joseph Ferguson 130 acres of land there deeded to him Jan. 26, 1722/3 by Robert and Benjamin Field. (WJD D:63). He and his wife Hannah were living in Chester Township on Dec. 30, 1734 when they gave deed for a plantation there, part of a tract bought from his uncle, Thomas Adams of Philadelphia, in 1728-9. (WJD S:312).

526. John (4) Adams, son of James (3), born Chester Township
abt. 170– ; probably married at Burlington Friends' Meeting 1732 Rachel Burr. (GBF:gi). The administrators account of the estate of Lydian Andrews of Evesham Township, Jan. 3, 1729-30, shows payments made to John Adams, et al. (NJA 23:74).

List of Abbreviations and Sources
(Whittemore's Adams Family, (1893), P. 55;
Davis's Landmarks of Plymouth, II :3;
Mayflower Descendant 1:157; 2 :4,5,7,40
(DeCou's "Moorestown" 1929, p. 14).
NEHGR — New England Historical and Genalogical Register NEHGR 3 :334
NYGBR — New York Genealogical and Biographical Record
NYGBR 3 :187 ; 7 :39,40)

Mandeville's Flushing, p. 15
WJD B, Part 2:484; 528
GMNJ — Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey
GMNJ 3:21; 3:66; (GMNJ 3 :63
NJHSP 7:103).

LS :536 to 579)
NJA 2:148 ; (NJA 30:11
NJW Unrecorded 2:107
SHGM — SHGM I :252).
SHGM 1:261;
BuCt C:101).
Burlington Friends' Records).
SHGM 1:247;
NJA 23:9). (NJA 23:2-4) ; (NJA 23:74
WHBM:251,254; (WHBM : 253-4
WJD D :99; WJD D :63,345; (WJD D:63 WJD GH :373; WJD IK :493; WJD HH :225; (WJD S:312).
. (NJD AAA :168
(NJA 33:51 ; NJMB "1727-34": 142
(GMNJ 3:63; NJA 23:412